Sawyer Showcase:
Crate Creations
Receiving your Woodland Mills product is an exciting experience! Once you've finished assembling your product you might be wondering 'What should I do with this metal crate?' Here's a quick look at some ingenious crate creations from the Woodland Mills Community.
Steve installed some wheels and a hitch to turn his HM130MAX crate into a portable sawdust and scrap storage container. The only downside: He can't stop his dog from playing in it.
Dale wanted to make use of the crate that protected his WG24 stump grinder during shipping. By welding four caster wheels onto the bottom, he ended up with a handy dolly to make moving and storing big items in his shop easier.
When it was going to cost his summer camp more than $1000 for a fuel storage chest, he decided to take matters into his own hands. With a little work and an HM126 crate, they had a place to keep their fuel that was fire marshal-approved and for a fraction of the price.
Angela made good use of her WC88 crate top by turning it into a compost bin. The wooden slats are removable to make access easier with a pitchfork or shovel.
]After a little trimming and welding, David poured some concrete using the crate from his HM130MAX as a frame to create a counterbalance for his tractor.