
Due to increased call volume, we will be honouring sale pricing to the end of the week

Sawyer Showcase:

LoliOli Lodge

Have you ever dreamt of living on your own private homestead? No neighbours in sight and just the hum of nature as your soundtrack.  A place where life is about the simple things; good company, tasty food, and reconnecting with nature. On Shirley Lake in Alaska, Casey and his family are working hard to make this a reality, and not just for themselves. Casey is building a high-end getaway spot so that people from all over the world can come and enjoy everything that Alaska's wilderness has to offer, but without sacrificing any amenities.  He is constructing the resort by hand, using local wood milled on his HM126. The oasis can only be reached by plane or helicopter, making this ambitious build even more impressive.

Casey flies a Cessna 185 Skywagon which operates on floats in the summer but switches to bush wheels or skis for winter flights. He has had a passion for flying since he was a child. After a ride on a friend's plane and some encouragement from his pilot uncle, Casey eventually got his private pilot's license in 1987. Since then, he has logged thousands of hours of flying time. 

A Vision was Born

Casey moved from his home in California to Wasilla, Alaska, in 2009. In December of that year, while in Argentina, h Casey had a job lined up to work as a commercial pilot in Alaska. When the job did not pan out, he decided to start up his own air taxi business.  During his excursions, Casey would often fly over Shirley Lake and admire a little property along the shore, on it was one solitary cabin. Shirley Lake is located 100 miles Northwest of Alaska's largest city, Anchorage. The lake has no road access and is very secluded, surrounded only by wilderness.  He would often dream about what it would be like to live among the beautiful Alaskan wildlife. When a buddy let Casey know that the owner was interested in selling, he immediately jumped at the chance. Casey and María were now the proud owners of their own remote acreage. 

The property is 5 acres and backs onto state land. It had not been lived on for a few years, so the weeds and wilderness had started to stake their claim over the quaint cottage. Casey had a vision for what the space could be. First, he pictured a peaceful home where he could spend quality time with his family. More than that, he wanted to be able to share this place with others. He envisioned an all-inclusive lodge where guests could relax, as well as have experiences unique to the area. For this, he needed more lodging.

There was, however, the existing cabin. The beautiful little cottage, lovingly named the “Anderson Cabin” after the previous owner, was built in 1990. This cabin still stands today and is the main living quarters for Casey and his family as they work on their expansion. Casey and María now have two daughters; Lola (Loli) who is 10 and 8-year-old Olivia (Oli), and thus the name LoliOli Lodge was born.

great outdoor area

The Lengths They Have Gone

With access to the land so limited, Casey has had to be creative when transporting the equipment to the lodge. The first was a 6000 lb. mini excavator that he had delivered by helicopter. The weight of the excavator meant that the helicopter could not make it to the lodge on one tank of fuel. Casey and friends strategically placed five 55-gallon drums at specific coordinates so that the helicopter could land and refuel along the way.  The whole endeavour cost about $20,000. He waited until March, when the lake was frozen, to bring over the metal roofing, septic tanks, and more building supplies. The 8000 lb. of materials were hauled in a 2-day, 130-mile snow machine trip.

snow sledging

The burning question is, how did Casey get his HM126 Portable Sawmill to the lodge? Well, he strapped it right to the side of his plane.  With the tracks and hardware inside, the sawmill head fit nicely on top of the floats. Aside from the positive reviews and affordable price, Casey chose to purchase from Woodland Mills because the mill is easily disassembled. Other brands are welded together making transportation extremely difficult. Casey has purchased 5 acres of land directly across the lake from his cottage. This is where he plans on building a honeymoon cabin for his guests and will move his sawmill there at that time. The flexibility that his HM126 allows is very valuable to him.

His Cessna 185 Skywagon is good for more than just transporting people and sawmills. Casey has an external load permit so that he can carry things on the outside of the plane. It has been essential for shipping supplies to the lodge. An ATV quad, a 14' boat, appliances, and building materials are just some of the things that Casey has been able to attach to his plane. He even purchased a Multilander and flew it in, something he was very grateful for. The Multilander has proven to be extremely handy for moving supplies to each building site. This thing is tough. He uses it to load heavy materials, gravel, and long 20' logs. 

Many Hands Make Light Work

Casey and María have been getting lots of help to build their dream resort. As more work gets done, they have started to take some guests at a deeply discounted rate, as well as inviting up friends and family. They work in exchange for the amazing experiences that staying at the lodge has to offer. They were lucky to have a husband-and-wife team who are incredible at milling. They immediately got to work on the HM126, making lumber from all the Beetle-killed trees on the property. The ability to cut down their own trees and mill them on the spot saves a bundle in lumber costs. Casey and María are paying for the entire project out of pocket, so it's important to save money where they can.

This past summer, they had over a dozen people up to the lodge. Guests were helping to oil cabins, put up interior siding, and pour concrete. There are countless other things that the guests of LoliOli Lodge have done to help the project along. Not to worry, Casey makes sure that they have lots of fun, too. He takes his guests on scenic tours in his plane, they go for boat rides, and fish for Salmon. There is something special about enjoying a meal of freshly caught fish and local veggies, all cooked over an open fire. The paired feeling of community and accomplishment is something unique to LoliOli Lodge.

Casey owns a construction company giving him the skills and connections that he needs to make a big project like this one possible. He is working closely with two craftsmen, Jack Lewis and Greg Benge, who are helping turn his vision into reality. Building the lodge is only half the battle. Helicopter pilots, snow machine drivers, and many others who have helped transport supplies to the estate have been essential for Casey and his family's success so far. Casey would like to thank all his family and friends who have helped his dream become reality!

Remote Building with a Young Family

The family of 4 spends their summers on Shirley Lake, moving to the Anderson cabin every year in June. Although Casey would love to live on the acreage full-time, they split their time between Alaska, California, and Argentina. They just completed their 3rd season working on LoliOli Lodge and Casey is confident that they will be done at the end of their 5th season. 

Casey misses his wife and daughters when they are not up at the lodge with him. He loves the quality family time that LoliOli Lodge has already provided. Olivia and Lola have taken to remote living and have so much fun learning and playing in Alaska. The family often fish together and the girls have learned to catch and clean their own fish. They love spending time out on the water, and it won't be long until they are driving the boats themselves.  Family dinners, bonfires, and boating, there is always something fun to do as a family. They also enjoy helping with construction projects, so Casey has been teaching them how to safely use the HM126 sawmill.  Perhaps one day when the girls are older, they will become sawyers like their father but for now, they would prefer to play in the sawdust.

Casey and María built a miniature cabin for the girls so that they would have a house suited to their size. The couple often has friends up to help with the construction.  Lola and Olivia, the tiny entrepreneurs that they are, decided to open the "LoliOli Store" right in front of their tiny cabin. They have the best prices for fishing lures, hats, and cold beers on Shirley Lake.  Building this resort with their family has given the girls a unique childhood, filled with experiences unlike those of their classmates and friends. 

What the Future Has in Store

The guests of LoliOli Lodge are getting quite the experience now, but when this project is complete it will be amazing on a whole new level. Let's travel a few years in the future when guests are flown in on a private plane for the week and have the option of staying in one of the 6 luxury guest cabins, each named after a local river or lake. Honeymooners are welcome to stay in the private cottage across the lake. The 16' by 18' cabins are 4' off the ground so that the guests get a better view of the breathtaking landscape. This also keeps the cabins above the snow for those brave winter guests. These beautiful cottages are finished with live edge siding, a front porch, and a private outdoor firepit. Inside your warm abode are cozy beds with access to a full bathroom complete with lavish slate-tiled showers. With water being filtered from the lake, feel free to take a long, hot shower or do a load of laundry. Pelton Wheels turn the water current into electricity that is stored in the batteries that run the lodge. A backup generator is installed but the lodge does not rely on it.

Spend your days fishing, boating, or relaxing on the large floating dock. You and seven friends can drift around the lake on the LoliOli pontoon boat, wine tasting and viewing the animals in their natural habitats. Watch as the otter frolic in the water, a mother swan passes gracefully followed by her cygnets, and a family of beavers add to their home. You might even see a bear fishing on the shore or find yourself shocked at how big a moose looks in person. If you are feeling adventurous, Casey can arrange for rafting trips, hunting, or even gold panning. Wander down to the outdoor gazebo for a drink at the bar and enjoy the aroma, as a full cut of lamb barbecues in the centre fire pit. In the evenings, follow the landscaped pathways to the brand-new main lodge for a 5-star meal prepared in the state-of-the-art kitchen. After dinner, it is the perfect time to sit around the fire pit and quietly bond with friends and family. The only sounds; crackling flames, waves crashing on the shore, and the occasional sorrowful song of a Loon. Perhaps you will take Casey up on his nightly offer of a scenic helicopter tour over the surrounding lake.

What a magnificent vision! When LoliOli Lodge is complete, not only will it be the ideal vacation spot, but it might also be the perfect place for your company retreat. With all of the activities that LoliOli Lodge will offer, high-speed satellite internet, and a corporate meeting room in the main lodge, you will easily achieve the perfect balance of productivity and community with your team.

snow sledging

Each year, the lodge will be open to guests from June to September. Casey would like to open it again for the month of March, as well. The snow, although deep, offers guests a new set of activities. Once Casey buys his helicopter, he will be able to take guests "heliskiing" and "heliboarding". This intense form of downhill skiing and snowboarding is all about being in remote nature and takes place off-trail in areas that are only accessible by helicopter. Back at the lodge, keep your eyes and ears open for dogs. The Iditarod, an annual long-distance sled dog race, runs right by LoliOli Lodge every March. Known as one of the toughest races on Earth, most only get to see it on television. LoliOli Lodge supplies a rare honour to witness the contestants in person.

Life of Gratitude

Casey loves watching his dream come alive. He works very hard but is also so grateful for everyone and everything that has helped him towards his goal. Wanting to finish the project without debt, the HM126 sawmill was a game-changing purchase. With 6 guest cabins, equipment sheds, and many other buildings, the cost of lumber alone would be enough to bankrupt the project. Casey would also need to transport all that lumber, bundle by bundle, to the site. With his sawmill, Casey can utilize the many trees that are already on the property, saving money and giving him the ability to completely customize the lumber to his specific needs. With thousands of Cotton Wood, Birch, and Spruce trees all around him, he finds it satisfying to pull down parts of a forest and put together a village. Casey absolutely loves his mill and the freedom it has given him to build anything he can imagine.

For now, Casey, María, Lola, and Olivia operate their air taxi and construction businesses while building the lodge. They can't wait to share this "little slice of Heaven" called LoliOli Lodge with the world!

Thank you so much for bringing Woodland Mills along on this amazing journey.

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