
Due to increased call volume, we will be honouring sale pricing to the end of the week

Sawyer Showcase:

Gifts off the Mill for Mother's Day

Stumped about what to get Mom for Mother's Day this year? Something from the heart is always a win but something off the mill will blow her away! These thoughtful gift ideas are sure to make her feel loved and appreciated this Mother's Day.

Chaise Lounge

Give her the gift of relaxation. Kasey made his wife this beautiful cedar lounge chair with an adjustable backrest. What mother wouldn't want to lay back and soak up some sun on a beautiful summer day, especially if paired with a good book and a glass of wine?

wooden lounge chairs


Tending a garden can be extremely therapeutic and a proven stress reliever. Building a custom greenhouse could be the perfect gift for any mother with a green thumb. Jeff built this 12'x12' greenhouse so that his wife would have a bright and quiet place to start her veggies in the spring.

wooden shed

Harvest Table

Dan made this gorgeous farm table for his wife out of a black oak log. A dining room table may not seem like a very meaningful gift at first glance, but the memories of good food and quality time spent with loved ones are sure to turn it into a cherished family heirloom.

wooden table

Porch Swing

A swing bench provides a welcoming atmosphere and a gentle place to sit and take in the scenery. Nathan and his son worked together to make a pine swing and stand as a Mother's Day gift for the most important woman in their lives. Complete with a pearl epoxy inlay with their family name.

wooden swing

Sentimental Storage

Most women would not argue with having a little more storage in their lives. Morgan built his wife a cute aspen pantry for their kitchen. As an added loving touch, he attached two horseshoes that hung in her late father's workshop.

wooden cupboard