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Sawyer Showcase:

An Afternoon with Marc Miron

As a full-time software engineer, Marc bought his HM130MAX Sawmill to get himself outside and enjoying his property.

In the fall a few members of the Woodland Mills team took a trip to the Ottawa area to visit a few of our customers.


One of those customers was Marc, a Facebook community member since the spring of 2023. Marc had shared a few posts in our community and just so happened to be in the region we were visiting, so on our last day of the trip, we stopped in for an afternoon visit.

Marc purchased his HM130MAX Portable Sawmill about 2 years ago from a gentleman who was delivering some firewood to him. Marc mentioned to us that he had already been looking into buying one of our sawmills for his (at the time) new property, and he could not resist the offer. He wanted to be able to use the sawmill to update his property from the chicken coop, to the horse covers and the old barn that lives behind his home. Initially a 50+ acre property, Marc has sold off some of it and now has 5 acres to himself. Those 5 acres are covered in trees and brush that Marc plans to utilize for his projects.

A few winters ago, his area experienced an ice storm that knocked down several trees on his property, so, Marc took a visit to our head office and bought himself a WC68 Wood Chipper to help with the cleanup. He shared with us just how useful the chipper has been for him. From being able to shorten his burn piles, to using the woodchips around his property to fill in ground.

We were excited to hear of Marcs plans to start a business with his mill by allowing people to come and experience milling for themselves so that they may feel inspired to do their own crafts and projects. We can't wait to see your success, Marc!

Check out to the Woodland Mills YouTube Channel for more more stories from seasoned sawyers and landowners as they share more awesome projects and provide inspiration for new ideas!

Thanks for the visit!